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The SUM function in Google Sheets is a foundational tool for adding up a series of numbers, making it indispensable for financial analysis, inventory management, and many other tasks. Whether you're totaling monthly sales, summing up expenses, or calculating the total points in a game, the SUM function is the cornerstone. Dive into our comprehensive guide to harness its capabilities.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: SUM(value1, [value2, ...])


  • value1: The first value or range to be summed.
  • value2, ...: [Optional] Additional numbers or ranges to be added.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Using SUM with individual numbers:

    • Example: =SUM(3, 10, 5)
    • Result: 18
  2. Using SUM with a range of cells:

    • Example: If A1:A5 has the values 5, 10, 3, 8, 7, then =SUM(A1:A5) will return 33.

Video Example

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Financial Reporting: Calculate the total revenue over a quarter.
  2. Inventory Management: Sum up the total products sold across various categories.
  3. Educational Grading: Compute the total score of a student across all subjects.

Related Functions

  • SUMIF: Sum the values that meet a specific criterion.
  • SUMIFS: Sum values based on multiple criteria.
  • SUMPRODUCT: Multiply corresponding components in the given arrays, and then return the sum of those products.

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