10 Essential Google Sheets Formulas Every User Should Know

August 2nd, 2023

Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet tool that offers a wide range of functions to manipulate and analyze data. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, mastering these essential formulas will significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. In this blog post, we'll highlight ten fundamental and frequently used Google Sheets formulas that every user should be familiar with.

1. SUM

The SUM formula is one of the most basic and useful functions. It allows you to add up a range of numbers easily. For instance:



Use the AVERAGE formula to find the average of a range of numbers:



The COUNT formula counts the number of cells containing numerical values within a range:


4. IF

The IF formula evaluates a condition and returns one value if it's true and another value if it's false. For example:

=IF(A1 > 10, "Above 10", "Below 10")


The VLOOKUP formula helps you search for a value in the first column of a range and return a corresponding value from another column:

=VLOOKUP("Apple", A1:B10, 2, FALSE)


The CONCATENATE formula lets you join two or more strings together:

=CONCATENATE("Hello", " ", "World")


With SUMIF, you can sum values in a range based on a specific condition:

=SUMIF(A1:A10, ">50")

8. LEN

The LEN formula calculates the length of a cell's content:



These three functions help extract characters from a text string. For example:

=LEFT(A1, 5) // Extracts the first 5 characters from cell A1
=RIGHT(A1, 3) // Extracts the last 3 characters from cell A1
=MID(A1, 3, 5) // Extracts 5 characters from cell A1 starting from the 3rd character

10. MAX / MIN

The MAX and MIN formulas allow you to find the maximum and minimum values in a range, respectively:


Mastering these ten essential Google Sheets formulas will significantly boost your spreadsheet skills and enable you to perform a wide array of calculations and data manipulations. Experiment with these functions and incorporate them into your projects to make the most out of Google Sheets!

Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient, so feel free to create sample spreadsheets and explore the functions in different scenarios. Happy spreadsheeting!