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The VSTACK function in Google Sheets is a useful tool for appending ranges vertically and in sequence to return a larger array. This function allows you to combine multiple ranges into one, which can be helpful for data analysis and organization. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding and using the VSTACK function.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: VSTACK(range1; [range2, ...])


  • range1: The first range to include in the stack.
  • range2, ...: [Optional] Additional ranges to include in the stack.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Using VSTACK with two ranges:

    • Example: =VSTACK(A1:A3; B1:B3)
    • Result: This will combine the values from range A1:A3 and range B1:B3 vertically, resulting in a larger array.
  2. Using VSTACK with more than two ranges:

    • Example: =VSTACK(A1:A3; B1:B3; C1:C3)
    • Result: This will stack the values from range A1:A3, B1:B3, and C1:C3 vertically to create a larger array.

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Data Compilation: Combine multiple ranges of data into one for easier analysis.
  2. Record Keeping: Append rows or columns of data to create a comprehensive record.
  3. Data Visualization: Create larger arrays for charts and graphs.

Related Functions

  • HSTACK: Appends ranges horizontally to return a larger array.
  • ARRAYFORMULA: Applies a specified formula to a range of input, and returns the resulting array.

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