Advanced Conditional Formatting Techniques in Google Sheets

September 16th, 2023

Conditional formatting in Google Sheets is a powerful feature that can be used to highlight, emphasize, or distinguish data based on specific conditions. While basic conditional formatting techniques are widely used, the advanced capabilities allow users to unlock more sophisticated visualizations and data interpretations. In this guide, we'll explore some of these advanced techniques.

1. Color Scales Based on Custom Formulas

Color scales can help visualize a range of values by assigning different colors depending on the value's position within the range.


To color a range A1:A10 based on their values, with lower values being red and higher values being green:

  1. Select A1:A10.
  2. Choose Format > Conditional formatting.
  3. Under Format cells if, choose "Color Scale".
  4. Adjust the Minpoint and Maxpoint colors to red and green, respectively.

2. Highlighting Entire Rows Based on Cell Values

This technique is useful when you want to emphasize an entire row based on the content of a single cell within that row.


To highlight rows in A2:Z100 where the value in column B is "Pending":

  1. Select A2:Z100.
  2. Choose Format > Conditional formatting.
  3. In the formula field, enter =$B2="Pending".
  4. Set the formatting style (e.g., a yellow fill).

3. Using Functions in Conditions

Google Sheets functions, such as CHOOSE, OR, and COUNTIFS, can be incorporated into your conditional formatting rules for more complex conditions.


To highlight cells in A1:A10 that appear more than once in the range:

  1. Select A1:A10.
  2. Choose Format > Conditional formatting.
  3. In the formula field, enter =COUNTIFS($A$1:$A$10, A1) > 1.
  4. Set the desired formatting style.

4. Combining Multiple Conditions

Combine multiple conditions using functions like AND and OR to meet specific compound criteria.


To highlight cells in A1:A10 that are greater than 50 but less than 100:

  1. Select A1:A10.
  2. Choose Format > Conditional formatting.
  3. In the formula field, enter =AND(A1>50, A1<100).
  4. Choose the desired formatting style.


Advanced conditional formatting in Google Sheets provides a myriad of options for data visualization and interpretation. By mastering these techniques, you can significantly enhance the clarity and comprehensibility of your data, ensuring your spreadsheets convey the desired message effectively.