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The SEC function in Google Sheets returns the secant of an angle, measured in radians. Use this function when you need to calculate the secant value of an angle.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: SEC(angle)


  • angle: The angle in radians for which you want to calculate the secant.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

To use the SEC function:

  1. Enter the angle in radians as the parameter for the function.
    • Example: =SEC(A2)

Use Cases and Scenarios

Here are some examples of use cases for the SEC function:

  1. Trigonometry: Calculate the secant value of an angle in various trigonometric calculations.
  2. Engineering: Use the secant value to determine certain properties in engineering calculations.
  3. Physics: Apply the secant function to solve problems related to physics and wave phenomena.

Related Functions

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Related Articles

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