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The PERMUT function in Google Sheets is a powerful tool to calculate the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects, considering order. Whether you're counting permutations in a math problem, analyzing data sets, or solving probability questions, the PERMUT function simplifies the task. Dive into our comprehensive guide to master its application.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: PERMUT(n, k)


  • n: The total number of objects in the pool.
  • k: The number of objects to choose.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Calculating permutations:
    • Example: =PERMUT(5, 3)
    • Result: 60

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Math Problems: Calculate permutations in combinatorics.
  2. Data Analysis: Determine the number of arrangements in a data set.
  3. Probability Calculations: Find the count of ordered outcomes in probability theory.

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