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The PERCENTILE.EXC function in Google Sheets is a statistical tool used to calculate the value at a given percentile of a dataset, excluding 0 and 1. Whether you're analyzing data distributions, conducting scientific research, or performing financial analysis, the PERCENTILE.EXC function provides valuable insights. Explore our comprehensive guide to learn how to use this function effectively.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: PERCENTILE.EXC(data, percentile)


  • data: The range or array containing the dataset for which you want to find the percentile.
  • percentile: The specified percentile value between 0 and 1, exclusive of 0 and 1.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Calculating percentile for a dataset:

    • Example: =PERCENTILE.EXC(A1:A10, 0.75)
    • Result: Returns the value at the 75th percentile of the dataset in range A1:A10.
  2. Using percentile with different datasets:

    • Example: =PERCENTILE.EXC(A1:A5, 0.9)
    • Result: Returns the value at the 90th percentile of the dataset in range A1:A5.

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Data Analysis: Determine the value representing a specific percentile in a dataset.
  2. Statistical Research: Analyze data distributions and measure their percentile values.
  3. Financial Analysis: Calculate portfolio returns at different percentiles.

Related Functions

  • PERCENTILE.INC: Calculates the value at a given percentile of a dataset, inclusive of 0 and 1.
  • MEDIAN: Returns the median value of a dataset.
  • QUARTILE: Calculates the quartile of a dataset.

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