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The OCT2HEX function in Google Sheets is used to convert a signed octal number to signed hexadecimal format. This function comes in handy when working with engineering or numerical data that requires conversions between different number systems.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: OCT2HEX(signed_octal_number, [significant_digits])


  • signed_octal_number: The signed octal number that you want to convert to signed hexadecimal format.
  • significant_digits [Optional]: The number of significant digits to include in the result.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

To use the OCT2HEX function, follow these steps:

  1. Input the signed octal number as the first parameter of the function.

    • Example: OCT2HEX(176, 4)
    • Result: B0
  2. If needed, specify the number of significant digits as the second parameter.

    • Example: OCT2HEX(176, 6)
    • Result: 000B0

Use Cases and Scenarios

Here are some use cases where the OCT2HEX function can be applied:

  1. Digital Signal Processing: Convert octal numbers to hexadecimal for processing audio or signal data.
  2. Computer Engineering: Perform conversions between different number systems during hardware design and analysis.
  3. Data Analysis: Convert octal data to hexadecimal for data manipulation or further analysis.

Related Functions

  • BIN2DEC: Convert a binary number to decimal format.
  • BIN2HEX: Convert a binary number to hexadecimal format.
  • BIN2OCT: Convert a binary number to octal format.
  • DEC2BIN: Convert a decimal number to binary format.
  • DEC2HEX: Convert a decimal number to hexadecimal format.
  • DEC2OCT: Convert a decimal number to octal format.
  • OCT2DEC: Convert an octal number to decimal format.
  • OCT2BIN: Convert an octal number to binary format.
  • HEX2BIN: Convert a hexadecimal number to binary format.
  • HEX2DEC: Convert a hexadecimal number to decimal format.
  • HEX2OCT: Convert a hexadecimal number to octal format.

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