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The IMSQRT function in Google Sheets computes the square root of a complex number. It is a useful tool for working with complex numbers and performing mathematical calculations. Dive into our comprehensive guide to learn how to use the IMSQRT function effectively.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: IMSQRT(complex_number)


  • complex_number: The complex number for which you want to calculate the square root.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Using IMSQRT with a complex number:
    • Example: =IMSQRT(2 + 3i)
    • Result: 1.67414922803554 + 0.895977476129838i

Use Cases and Scenarios

  1. Electrical Engineering: Calculate the square root of complex impedance.
  2. Quantum Mechanics: Perform calculations involving complex numbers representing wave functions.
  3. Signal Processing: Analyze and manipulate complex signals.

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