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The FLOOR.PRECISE function in Google Sheets rounds a number down to the nearest integer or multiple of specified significance. This function is useful when you need to manipulate data that requires precise rounding.

Function Syntax and Parameters

Syntax: FLOOR.PRECISE(number, [significance])


  • number: The value you want to round down.
  • significance: [Optional] The multiple to which you want to round down.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Using the FLOOR.PRECISE function is simple. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Rounding down to the nearest integer:

    • Example: if A1 has the value 6.8, then =FLOOR.PRECISE(A1) will return 6.
  2. Rounding down to a specified multiple:

    • Example: if A1 has the value 8.5 and you want to round it down to the nearest multiple of 2, then =FLOOR.PRECISE(A1, 2) will return 8.

Use Cases and Scenarios

The FLOOR.PRECISE function can be used in various scenarios, such as:

  1. Financial Calculations: Round down financial data to the nearest specified multiple.
  2. Inventory Management: Round down quantities to specific units or multiples.
  3. Time Calculations: Round down time values to specified intervals.

Related Functions

  • FLOOR: Round a number down to the nearest specified multiple or significance.

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